Legacy Ranch Inspire Academy

About Legacy Ranch Inspire Academy

Legacy Ranch, established in August 2015, is a K – 12 school that serves the children who reside at the foster facility located on the Legacy Ranch property. The foster facility is dedicated to keeping foster children in sibling units during their placement. We are located on over a hundred acres of mostly undeveloped land. The San Marcos River runs through the property, and the vegetation provides a habitat for numerous species of birds and animals.

From The Principal's Desk

Enrollment in the school is limited to the residents of the foster facility. Some of the children are here for a year or so, but most are with us much less time. The length of stay is determined by the family court system and Child Protective Services. While here, we provide children with instruction by certified teachers who are guided by the same educational mandates as in any public school in Texas. They are subject to the same standardized testing and earn grades and credits just as they would in a traditional setting. 

Since we never know how long we will have a child, every day counts. Every day we work to help children find joy in learning. Instruction is personalized and made relevant for every child. We use technology as well as traditional methods of instruction, and guide students through an inquiry process rich with critical thinking skills.

The children who come to us are here through no fault of their own; others in their lives have made poor choices, which resulted in removal from their homes. These children are familiar with the concept of consequences and loss, so we have implemented a system of restorative discipline. We expose children to alternate ways to respond to injustices.

We know the circumstances of their placement here are traumatic. It is our hope that children leave our school with confidence that they can compete academically better than when they came.